In today’s connected world, clients face an ever-increasing number of threats from internal and external sources that can severely disrupt their business operations. Often a crisis is made worse by a poor response from management.
Combining a life-long interest in all things aviation and business insights gained from his MBA studies, Shaun has developed a crisis management service offering for senior management. Read Advisory Services can assist clients to prepare in advance for both a crisis and a response thereto including:
Governance assessments and training
Co-ordinating vulnerability assessments
Crisis management training for board members and senior management
Crisis communications
Fraud and corruption are an unfortunate part of business life today and may have a catastrophic impact on any business. Shaun’s experiences at PwC have taught him the value of combining legal and other specialist skills in uncovering and reporting on matters involving fraud and corruption. Read Advisory Services is able to:
Co-ordinate and conduct confidential forensic investigations
Advise on fraud prevention
Advise on risk governance and compliance
Through his Consultancy with Simpson Incorporated Attorneys and Conveyancers, legal privilege of forensic reports can be established, and recovery of money and assets can be pursued against wrong doers.
Shareholder activism is on the rise, often driven by financial investors, such as hedge fund managers and wealthy individuals, with significant stakes in companies, who are seeking to influence the way in which companies are run.
How boards of companies respond to shareholder activists may often determine the future direction of the company.
Read Advisory Services is able to assist boards looking to respond appropriately to shareholder activists.